Walk-in-Love: 2025 Stewardship Pledge Campaign

Our theme this year is Walk in Love, and it calls us to remember that our greatest gift in community is how we align, come together in purpose and mission. When we walk in the same direction, we can do so many things.

Here are 3 ways you can pledge: 

1. Email our confidential pledge email at st.markspledges@gmail.com.

2. Download the pledge form here, place it in the offering plate, or mail it to the church office at 75 Cold Spring Road, Westford, MA 01886.

3. Use our web-based tool to submit your pledge (button below). You have the option of setting up a recurring payment.

About The Stewardship Campaign

The vestry has set a target pledge budget of $115k, which is an 11% increase from last year due increased costs (building, utilities, cost of living) and reduction in fundraising. In this stewardship season, we are asking that if you haven’t pledged in the past, prayerfully consider making a pledge for 2025. If you have pledged in the past, consider increasing your pledge by 10-15%, if able. 

Stewardship Updates

Messages from our leadership team members.

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