The St. Mark’s constitution requires that Vestry members rotate off the Vestry after six years. This year, Tom Ellis (Jr Warden), Herb Elliott (clerk), and Dorothy Gaumer (At Large) have reached their term limit. Melissa Dewing's first term is up, and she has agreed to be nominated for a second term.
Those rotating off the Vestry form a nominating committee to fill the slate of open positions. Please prayerfully consider running or recommending a person for one of the open positions. The time commitment for Vestry is a once-a-month one to two-hour Zoom meeting and then periodic tasks that come up during the year that are shared by Vestry members.
St. Mark’s, as are many small churches, faces challenges ahead but is in a good position with a balanced budget in the last couple of years and strong leadership by Scott, Rev. Will, and those on the Vestry. You would be joining a strong team that will guide St. Mark’s in its mission and ministry.
If you have questions, please let me or anyone on the nominating committee know.