At the urging of our bishops, St. Mark’s and Trinity Chapel have declared May 10-23 a post-pandemic time of Sabbath rest. As our bishops said in their pastoral letter: “As we mark the second anniversary of the initial COVID shutdowns, we rejoice at the adaptability, resilience, and faithfulness which have been manifest in our congregations.
We also recognize the deep fatigue which has resulted from the constant array of evolving challenges. …. Following God’s example of resting on the seventh day of creation and the example of Jesus, who throughout the Gospels takes leave to rest, we now urgently invite our diocese to provide a COVID Respite.” During this time the office will be closed, no meetings will be scheduled, and our Sunday Worship will be a simple Morning Prayer service shared equally by all, with a simple pot-luck fellowship hour afterwards. There will be no Sunday School programming: instead, families are encouraged to participate in Morning Prayer or to enjoy family time at home. Most of all, the entire community is encouraged to set aside time during these two weeks for rest and renewal, for unhurried time for reconnection with family and friends, for prayer and reflection, and for rest. We look forward to returning to our regularly scheduled activities in the fourth week of May with renewed vigor and excitement for doing the work God has given us to do.