Occasional Hosts Needed: Paid job!
St. Marks plans to rent Williams Hall to the public to increase rental revenue in 2025. We need a host for the day or evening of the rentals. This person would open up the church, let the renters in, and show them around. At the end of the event, the host would return and make sure everything is ship-shaped and locked up. As part of the fee, the renter will be paying $50, which will go to the host. We’re looking to create a list of interested Host volunteers who will sign up for events as their schedule allows. You don’t have to be available every weekend. When we have a renter, we will send out a request for a host, and if you’re available, you can volunteer. Please contact Chrissy Hemingway for more information or to put yourself on the list - chrissyhemingway@comcast.net