Dietrich Bonhoeffer Study: Tuesday Evenings During Lent 7-8 PM
Beginning Tuesday, March 18, we’ll be studying the life and witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, using materials from BONHOEFFER, THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF DIETRICH BONHOEFFER by Eric Metaxas, an author and scholar. Both St Mark’s and Trinity Chapel, as well as anyone else interested, is invited to participate. While most sessions will be on Zoom, we do hope to have an in-person meeting or two (details of which will be offered as we proceed). Session handouts will be available the Sunday before at each parish. Join us!
The Zoom for the first session on March 18 at 7 p.m. is
If you are looking for a personal devotional guide, the Diocese of Massachusetts and Vermont have partnered to develop a Lenten program titled Isaiah: Prophet of Rebuke, Prophet of Hope. You can download the guide at -